Do Bluetooth Headphones Last Longer Than Wired? (Solved!)
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It’s no secret that Bluetooth headphones have taken the world by storm. Many people prefer them to wired headphones because they are more convenient and easier to use. But does this mean that Bluetooth Headphones Last Longer Than Wired?
Generally, wired headphones are more durable than Bluetooth headphones because there are no batteries or moving parts that can break. However, this does not mean that Bluetooth headphones are not durable. Bluetooth headphones can last just as long as wired headphones with proper care and handling.
In this blog post, I will discuss why wired headphones last longer, the pros using Bluetooth headphones, and tips on how to prolong the life of your Bluetooth headphones.

Do Bluetooth Headphones Last Longer Than Wired?
Many factors affect the longevity of headphones, wired or Bluetooth. These include:
1. Quality of the Headphones
In general, higher-quality headphones will last longer than lower-quality headphones. This is because they are made with better materials and have more durable components.
Most quality headphones are priced higher because they are made to last longer. If you are looking for a pair of headphones that will last long, it is worth it to invest in a quality pair.
READ MORE! Do Wired Headphones Sound Better Than Bluetooth Headphones?
2. Battery Size and Capacity
The battery is one of the most important parts of Bluetooth headphones. A larger battery will last longer than a smaller battery. A battery that lasts longer means that you will not be charging it frequently.
This increases the longevity of the headphones because a battery always has a certain number of charges before they start to fail. If your headphones have a battery life of just 20 hours, you’ll need to charge them every week, depending on how frequently you use them.
However, if you use headphones with 40-hour battery life, you will only need to charge them twice a month. This implies that the 40-hour headphones should last twice as long as the 20-hour headphones in concept.
3. Type of Use
How you use your headphones also affects how long they will last. If you use your headphones frequently, they will not last as long as you only use them occasionally.
This is because frequent use wears down the components of the headphones and can cause them to break.
4. Care and Maintenance
How well you take care of your headphones also affects how long they last. If you take good care of your headphones and clean them regularly, they will last longer than if you do not.
Be sure to follow the instructions in the care manual that came with your headphones.
5. How They Are Stored
If headphones are not stored properly, they can become damaged and stop working prematurely. For example, if you store your headphones in a humid environment, the moisture can damage the components and cause them to rust.
It is important to store your headphones in a dry, safe place when not in use.
6. Developments in Software and Hardware
Just like any other piece of technology, headphones are constantly evolving. As new developments are made in software and hardware, old models become outdated and stop working.
While this is not a direct cause of failure, it does mean that older models will not last as long as newer models. Wired headphones that are a few years old may not work with the latest phones and devices.
Why Wired Headphones Last Longer than Bluetooth Headphones
Now that we’ve looked at some of the factors that affect headphone longevity let’s compare wired and Bluetooth headphones.
1. Battery: Wired Headphones vs. Bluetooth
One of the main reasons for this is the battery. As we mentioned before, the battery is one of the most important parts of Bluetooth headphones. A larger battery will last longer than a smaller battery.
A wired headphone does not have a battery and instead relies on the power from the device it is plugged into. This means that there is no battery to wear out or replace.
READ MORE! Battery Drain: Hacks For Bluetooth Headphones (Explained)
2. Components: Wired Headphones vs. Bluetooth
Another reason wired headphones last longer is because they have fewer components than Bluetooth headphones.
A wired headphone has a cable and two earpieces, while a Bluetooth headphone has a circuit board, battery, sensors, antenna, and other components.
Because there are more parts in a Bluetooth headphone, there are more opportunities for something to break.
3. Frequent Use: Wired Headphones vs. Bluetooth
Wired headphones can also handle frequent use better than Bluetooth headphones. This is because the wiring in wired headphones is not as delicate as the components in Bluetooth headphones.
While both types of headphones can be damaged by being dropped or crushed, it is more likely that Bluetooth headphones will be damaged by frequent use.
Benefits of Using Bluetooth Headphones
Even though Bluetooth headphones don’t last as long as wired headphones, there are still some benefits to using them.
Some of these benefits include:
1. Wireless Freedom
You don’t have to worry about being tethered to your device when using Bluetooth headphones. This gives you the freedom to move around without being restricted by a cord.
This is especially beneficial if you are working out or participating in activities where a cord would be in the way.
2. Better Sound Quality
In the past, Bluetooth headphones had poorer sound quality than wired headphones. However, this is no longer the case.
The sound quality of Bluetooth headphones has improved significantly and is now on par with wired headphones.
Some models even offer features that enhance the sound quality, such as noise cancellation.
3. Ease of Use
Another benefit of Bluetooth headphones is that they are very easy to use. Most models can be paired with a device in just a few seconds.
You don’t have to worry about plugging or unplugging them, which can be difficult if you are using a device that is not easily accessible.
4. Comfort
Bluetooth headphones are also generally more comfortable than wired headphones. They don’t have a wire that goes around your head or neck. Some models even come with cushioned earpieces that make them even more comfortable.
Final Thoughts
Whether or not Bluetooth headphones last longer than wired depends on the usage and maintenance. While wired headphones would last longer than Bluetooth headphones because they do not have batteries, they have fewer components; among other reasons, you can make your Bluetooth headphones last longer.
I hope this article has helped you learn which type of headphones last longer and how you can increase the longevity of your Bluetooth headphones.

Espen is the Director of ProPairing and has written extensively about Bluetooth devices for years. He is a consumer product expert and has personally tested Bluetooth devices for the last decade.