Why Do My Beats Headphones Keep Disconnecting? (Solved!)
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Do you own a pair of Beats headphones? If so, you may have experienced the issue of them randomly disconnecting. This can be extremely frustrating, especially if you are in the middle of listening to your favorite song. You may therefore wonder why your Beats headphones keep disconnecting.
Your Beats headphones may keep disconnecting because:
- Interference in the Bluetooth connection
- Compatibility issues
- Low battery
- Too many apps
- Duplicate contacts
- Range issues
- Your Beats firmware is outdated
- Debris has accumulated in the earbuds
In this blog post, I will explore possible reasons Beats headphones keep disconnecting and how to fix the problem.

8 Reasons Why Beats Headphones Keep Disconnecting
Read on as I discuss the various reasons your Beats headphones keep disconnecting in detail:
1. Interference in the Bluetooth Connection
One reason your Beats headphones may disconnect is interference in the Bluetooth connection. This interference can come from other devices that use Bluetooth, such as a wireless speaker or another set of headphones.
It can also come from other electronic devices, like a microwave oven or a baby monitor.
READ MORE! Why do my Bluetooth headphones keep disconnecting from my phone?
2. Compatibility Issues
Another reason Beats headphones may keep disconnecting is compatibility issues. This means that the headphones are not compatible with the device you are trying to use them with.
For example, if you are trying to use your Beats headphones with an iPhone that is not compatible with them, they will keep disconnecting.
3. Low Battery
If your Beats headphones keep disconnecting, it could also be because the battery is low. When the battery is low, the headphones will not be able to stay connected for very long.
4. Too Many Apps
If you have too many apps open on your device, it can also cause your Beats headphones to keep disconnecting.
This is because too many apps can use up all of the device’s resources, leaving none for the headphones to stay connected.
5. Duplicate Contacts
If you have duplicate contacts in your address book, it can also cause your Beats headphones to keep disconnecting.
This is because the headphones will try to connect to the duplicate contacts, causing them to disconnect.
6. Range Issues
If you are too far away from your device, it can also cause your Beats headphones to keep disconnecting. This is because the Bluetooth connection has a limited range.
7. Your Beats Firmware Is Outdated
The Beats firmware is the software that runs on the headphones. If this software is outdated, it can cause your Beats headphones to keep disconnecting.
8. Debris Has Accumulated in the Earbuds
If you have not cleaned your Beats headphones in a while, debris may have accumulated in the earbuds.
This debris can interfere with the Bluetooth connection and cause your Beats headphones to keep disconnecting.
8 Fixes to Beats Headphones that Keeps Disconnecting
Now that you know the possible reasons why your Beats headphones keep disconnecting, you may be wondering how to fix the problem.
1. Interference Problem
If your Beats headphones are disconnecting due to interference in the Bluetooth connection, you can try to:
- Move away from other devices that use Bluetooth
- Turn off other electronic devices
- Move away from microwaves, baby monitors, and other electronic devices
2. Compatibility Issues
If your Beats headphones are disconnecting due to compatibility issues, you can try to:
- Use a different device
- Update the firmware on your Beats headphones
- Contact customer support for help
3. Low Battery
When the battery is low, your Beats headphones will not be able to stay connected for very long. To fix this problem, you can:
- Charge the batteries
- Replace the batteries
READ MORE! Battery Drain: Hacks For Bluetooth Headphones (Explained)
4. Too Many Apps
If your Beats headphones are disconnecting due to too many apps, you can try to:
- Close some of the apps you are not using
- Restart your device
- Update the firmware on your device
5. Duplicate Contacts
If your Beats headphones are disconnecting due to duplicate contacts, you can try to:
- Delete the duplicate contacts from your address book
- Update the firmware on your Beats headphones
- Contact customer support for help
6. Range Issues
If your Beats headphones are disconnecting due to range issues, you can try to:
- Move closer to your device
- Update the firmware on your Beats headphones
- Contact customer support for help
7. Your Firmware Is Outdated
The Beats firmware needs to be updated from time to time to work properly. If your Beats headphones are disconnecting due to an outdated firmware, you can try to:
- Update the firmware on your Beats headphones
- Contact customer support for help
8. Debris Has Accumulated in the Earbuds
If your Beats headphones are disconnecting due to debris in the earbuds, you can try to:
- Remove the earbuds and clean them with a soft cloth
- You may also need to use a toothpick or cotton swab to remove debris from the earbuds
4 Other Possible Fixes for Disconnecting Beats Headphones
If the problem persists, you can try:
1. Restarting Your Beats Headphones
You can restart your Beats headphones by holding the power button for ten seconds.
2. Resetting Your Beats Headphones
You can reset your Beats headphones by simultaneously holding the power button and volume down for at least 15 seconds.
After the LED indicator light flashes, you can release the buttons.
3. Updating the Software on Your Device
Make sure you are using the latest software version on your device. You can update the software by going to the settings menu on your device and selecting “Software Update.”
4. Check for Damaged Wires
If your Beats headphones have a wire, ensure that the wire is not damaged. If the wire is damaged, you will need to replace it.
3 Tips to Avoid Future Beats Disconnecting
To avoid future problems with your Beats headphones, you can:
1. Update Software Regularly
The first step is to keep your software up to date. You can do this by going to the settings menu on your device and selecting “Software Update.”
2. Keep Your Headphones and Device Close Together
Make sure to keep your Beats headphones and device close together to avoid any range issues.
3. Clean Your Headphones Regularly
Be sure to clean your headphones regularly, especially the earbuds. This will help to remove any debris that could accumulate over time and cause problems.
Final Thoughts
Your Beats headphones may keep disconnecting because of a variety of reasons. Low batteries, connectivity issues, and outdated firmware are the most common reasons. Luckily, there are a few things you can try to fix the problem.
I hope this article was helpful in troubleshooting why your Beats headphones keep disconnecting.

Espen is the Director of ProPairing and has written extensively about Bluetooth devices for years. He is a consumer product expert and has personally tested Bluetooth devices for the last decade.